Central Grand Terminal

Who needs sunshine
In the Central Grand Terminal
When the light of day
Is cannibalised by the round, suspended
Bright lights that line the steel roof foundation
Your destination is absolute
Flashed on the enormous electronic screen
With orange and black text scrolling upwards
Incessantly, then pauses for a while
As if pacifying your beating heart
You stop momentarily, scanning for the correct platform to board
You breathe a sigh of relief, 3 more minutes to spare
I see you
As I refill my soy capuccino cup with tap water
I tried to process why I chose to read here, of all places
I stepped out of the gates an hour ago with no destination in mind
So I chose to settle, enjoy some prose
Watch people pull luggages, some running, some taking their own sweet time
And I see you
And I see me
Rooted to my seat, joyful in my temporal solitary transient state
You are leaving in a snap
I am staying
Who needs sunshine in the Central Grand Station
When we are all guided
By our own sense of destination
In every pause
In every stop
We all see
Our own terminals.


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